基于LabV IEW 的信號(hào)發(fā)生器和虛擬示波器
(作者未知) 2011/5/28
[摘要]L abV IEW 是一種圖形化編程軟件,使用靈活方便,在該環(huán)境中,用戶(hù)能夠根據(jù)實(shí)際需要構(gòu)造各種虛擬儀器。本文介紹一種在L abV IEW 環(huán)境中設(shè)計(jì)的信號(hào)發(fā)生器和虛擬示波器綜合測(cè)試儀的方法,利用該儀器可以方便記錄數(shù)據(jù)、數(shù)據(jù)回放。
[關(guān)鍵詞]虛擬儀器;L abV IEW ;信號(hào)發(fā)生器;虛擬示波器;數(shù)據(jù)回放。
The design of an integrated test instrument of signal generator and virtual osc illogra ph ba sed on
ZEN G Sha n1 ,2 , L U Yao - she ng2 , WAN G Si - hua2 , L IU Hai - ya n2 ,SON G Li - guo2 , DA I J un - di 2 , ZHAN G Mao - jun2
(1. Inst it ut e of Ti ssue Tra nspla nt at io n a nd Immunolo gy of J ina n U nive r sit y , Gua ngzho u Gua ngdo ng 510632 , China ;
2. Dep a r tme nt of Elect ro nic Enginee ring of J ina n U nive r sit y , Gua ngzho u Gua ngdo ng 510632 , China)
Abstract : L abV IEW i s a kind of grap hizat io n sof twa re a nd ea sy to use . Ope rato r ca n fo rmat e kinds of vi r t ual inst rume nt to meet t he p ract ical requi re in L abV IEW . Thi s a r t icle int ro duce s o ne met ho d of de si gning signal ge ne rato r a nd vi r t ual o scillo grap h in t he L abV IEW e nvi rme nt . U nt ilizin g t hi s inst rume nt , we ca n reco rd dat a a nd ret ur n dat a play2
Key words : vi r t ual inst rume nt at io n ;L abV IEW ; si gnal ge ne rato r ;vi r t ual o scillo grap h ;dat a playback