劉孟良 2012/5/18
[摘要] 鈷60治療機房墻、頂大體積混凝土施工,主要解決模板、混凝土澆筑和防裂方法。
[關(guān)鍵詞] 大體積混凝土 模板 防裂
ON the Construction of Large Volume of Concrete for the Room of the Cobalt-60 Machine
LIU Meng-liang
(Hunan Urban Construction College, Xiangtan 4111101,China)
Abstract: The cobalt-60 machine requires large volume of construction for its walls and roof,which means good chuttering;concrete pouring and ways of anti-cracking are necessary and important.
Keywords: large volume of concrete;chuttering;anti-cracking