劉孟良 2012/5/18
Applying AutoCAD to Obtain Internal Force of Truss
摘要: 依據平面匯交力系的平衡條件,利用圖解法和AutoCAD繪圖方法,能迅速、準確地求解一個結點上的兩個未知力。將其類推求解桁架各桿內力,能化解復雜的桁架內力計算。
關鍵詞: CAD 桁架 內力
Abstrct: This essay, based on the balance condition of pane intercrossing fore, discusses and analyses how to make use of the graphic method and AutoCAD so as to work out the two unknown forces on the knot quickly and accurately, thus obtaining internal fore truss and solving complicated calculation of the internal force of truss.
Key words: CAD; truss; internal force