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    課件009 教學資源下載
    課件 試卷 教案 畢業(yè)論文 圖書軟件 職教研究 期刊推介 信息發(fā)布 會員賬戶
    當前位置:課件009首頁 >> 職教研究 >> 專業(yè)論文 >> 淺議媒介的社會責任——對楊麗娟事件的反思


    田曉 2009/2/22

       On the media’s social responsibility
       - to reflect on the events Yang Lijuan
       Author: Tian Xiao instructor: Wang Chunying
       Abstract:The major investor with the development of society, spreading an intermediary’s displays a diversification step by step , that become market-oriented degree is deepened by gradually makes the competition between the intermediary aggravate gradually , audience rating , distribution rate , clicks ratios become the index judging the intermediary succeeds or not , the news initiating thereby is low and vulgar , intermediary problem such as false advertisement , payoff-aimed news is gradually outstanding. The main body of a book is applied to sum up method such as deduction , case study , document data , is take "Yang Li Juan event as" example, the society function , media to the media require that the community responsibility bearing waits for a problem to have carried out theoretical analysis and have studied , aim at making medium community responsibility and duty clear , show clearly a medium acting as role in society , are that the medium shows clearly direction, provide complement for news studies.
       Key words: the social function of the media, the media’s social responsibility, Yang Lijuan incident,media professional ethics
       1. 前言
       —— 普利策《北美評論》
       —— 丹尼&#8226;埃利奧特《負責的新聞業(yè)》


    頁碼選擇:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    1 淺議媒介的社會責任——對楊麗娟事
    1 中醫(yī)內(nèi)科方劑大全
    2 淺談三相鼠籠式異步電動機的啟動、
    3 論孔穎達對魏晉南北朝《詩經(jīng)》學的
    4 我院教職員工利用圖書館資源情況的
    5 試論學校職業(yè)指導(dǎo)的開展與推動
    6 淺談電工技能與實訓課教學中的合作
    7 淺議商業(yè)銀行風險的識別、評估和應(yīng)
    8 從國際人權(quán)公約到中國憲法對婦女人
    9 岳陽中小企業(yè)內(nèi)部控制現(xiàn)狀及其改進
    10 關(guān)于國外高職工學結(jié)合培養(yǎng)模式探析
    11 聚晶金剛石復(fù)合片磨削試驗研究
    12 酒精可燃與不可燃的臨界濃度探究
    13 公共機房管理模式的探索與實踐
    14 加強德育教育,提高中職生綜合素質(zhì)
    15 如何搞好實習教學

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