李常哲 2009/2/22
摘要 :本文采用文獻資料法和案例分析法等研究方法,通過對“好萊塢”電影制作、傳播等方面的分析,指出其所傳達的政治文化、生活文化、家庭文化、飲食文化等對中國傳統(tǒng)文化的影響,說明電影這種大眾傳媒工具對現(xiàn)代社會造成了非常重大的影響,特別是“好萊塢”電影在美國經(jīng)濟霸主地位的推動下對全球各國的“文化侵略”現(xiàn)象愈演愈烈。因此,中國本土電影人該如何應(yīng)對這種“美國化”,怎樣保持傳統(tǒng)文化特色就成為他們亟待解決的問題。本文認為國產(chǎn)電影應(yīng)以自身傳統(tǒng)為基點,抓住“故事性”,藝術(shù)和商業(yè)并重,這樣才能走出一條中國特色的電影道路來。
關(guān)鍵詞:“好萊塢”電影; 美國文化; 中國電影
From the "Hollywood" Films to See the Impact of America’s Culture in China
Name:lichangzhe Instructor:liu Huiling
Abstract: This paper by consulting literature, data and case analysis etc. proceed the research, through the "Hollywood" film production, dissemination, and other aspects of the analysis of the film, at the same time in its message of political culture, and cultural life, the family culture, food culture on the impact of the China traditional culture, said the mass media tools of film in this modern society has brought unparalleled influence, in particular the "Hollywood" movie with the economic overlord status in the United States under the impetus of the world’s "cultural aggression" phenomenon is increasing in intensity. Therefore, the Chinese people of the local film industry how to deal with this kind of "United States", how to maintain traditional cultural characteristics have become their issues requiring urgent solution. This paper presents domestic films should be anchored to their own traditions, to the "narrative", both artistic and commercial, so as to blaze a path with Chinese characteristics to the film.
Key words: "Hollywood" Films; American culture; China Films
從1895年3月22日, 盧米埃爾兄弟在巴黎科技大會上發(fā)表了人類歷史上的第一部電影之后,作為大眾傳播新生工具的電影就以狂風驟雨般的影響力席卷全球。而美國經(jīng)濟在20世紀初的崛起成功的推動了其電影產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展,“好萊塢”甚至一度成為電影的代名詞。特別是“二戰(zhàn)”后,各國經(jīng)濟的衰退使其文化產(chǎn)業(yè)也一落千丈,“好萊塢”憑借電影產(chǎn)業(yè)的先進性與電影本身所蘊含的或溫情或激昂的內(nèi)容風靡全球,使“美國夢”的觀念深入人心。正是在這時,“電影,作為流行文化的軟力量”[1] 超越了娛樂品的概念,而上升為一種文化現(xiàn)象,甚至成為一種社會現(xiàn)象。