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    課件009 教學資源下載
    課件 試卷 教案 畢業(yè)論文 圖書軟件 職教研究 期刊推介 信息發(fā)布 會員賬戶
    當前位置:課件009首頁 >> 職教研究 >> 教育教學 >> On the core literacy of physical education in colleges and universities

    On the core literacy of physical education in colleges and universities

    廣東科技學院 龍耀波 2020/2/9 20:37:32

       Abstract: This paper analyzes the core literacy meaning of physical education in China at the present stage as an entry point. It analyzes and studies the problems of core literacy in college physical education in China, and provides ideas for the core literacy construction in college physical education.
       Keywords: physical education; core literacy
       The core literacy meaning in physical education
       The core literacy in physical education refers to the habit of students to develop a good lifelong physical exercise after physical exercise, and has a high quality.
       Problems in core literacy training in college physical education
       2.1 At present, the traditional concept of physical education teachers in China At present, the education in our country is still based on the traditional education mode, that is, the teachers mainly carry out knowledge interpretation in the classroom, and the students only passively accept knowledge. However, this traditional education model has hindered the development of China’s current education, making the current development of education and teaching model in China slow [1]. And in the concept of physical education teachers in China, it is believed that students do not attach importance to physical education.
       2.2 The teaching content is poorly related to the actual meaning of the students.
       The teaching content in the current physical education curriculum has nothing to do with the actual situation of the students. Without the goal, the students can’t understand the practical significance of the physical education knowledge taught by the teachers for their own development. The passive learning leads to the students’ knowledge of the teachers. Unable to master, reduce the effectiveness of teaching, students also have a very heavy learning pressure.
       Cultivating countermeasures for core literacy in college physical education
       3.1 The training of physical education teachers in China nee(未完,下一頁


    頁碼選擇:1 2
    1 Onthecoreliterac
    2 Researchonthedev
    1 職工轉崗培訓過程探討
    2 探析中職汽車專業(yè)教學存在問題與對
    3 混合教學法在中職圖形圖像處理課程
    4 關于技師學院班主任工作技巧和方法
    5 中職英語口語活動教學方法運用分析
    6 全科教師小學語文職業(yè)技能訓練研究
    7 基于課例研究視域下的幼兒教師專業(yè)
    8 論農村中職!稒C械制圖》教學的興
    9 關于高中數(shù)學函數(shù)解題思路多元化的
    10 讓“閱讀”成為小學數(shù)學教與學的新
    11 淺談高校就業(yè)指導工作存在的問題及
    12 項目驅動法在高職服裝專業(yè)教改中的
    13 泰州技師學院老師的優(yōu)秀下廠實習日
    14 淺談幼兒行為習慣的培養(yǎng)
    15 高職高專畢業(yè)設計存在的問題與對策

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