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    課件009 教學資源下載
    課件 試卷 教案 畢業(yè)論文 圖書軟件 職教研究 期刊推介 信息發(fā)布 會員賬戶
    當前位置:課件009首頁 >> 職教研究 >> 職業(yè)指導 >> 英語面試技巧:面試過程中要素


    福建就業(yè)聯(lián)盟 2009/5/2

    接上頁 said: "Hey, Tommy Lasorda. Have you met him?" "Her", corrected the hiring manager. "That’s my wife".
       Have your own agenda and know where the interview should be heading.
       This will give you confidence and help you move from one area of questioning to the next.
       Remember: Most interviewers are as uncomfortable as you are. They just want the position to be filled as fast as possible.
       If you can put the interviewer at ease by helping things move smoothly, you’ll improve your chances of being hired. Remember the following:
       Listening skills.傾聽的技巧
       Listen carefully and ask questions to probe deeper into what the interviewer is telling you. Most interviewers are delightfully surprised by a question such as, "How could I help you solve the problem you’ve just described?"
       Negative statements about previous jobs or employers. NEVER make them. Instead, be diplomatic. No matter how bad your last job or boss was, there’s probably something good you learned from the experience. Emphasize the positive - with a smile.


    頁碼選擇:1 2
    1 大學生面試中要注意10個細節(jié)
    2 面試通關問題大集錦
    3 自考生求職面試常見問題寶典
    4 杭州公務員招考面試之趣聞
    5 網(wǎng)管面試——公司8道面試題
    6 面試中的27個經(jīng)典問題
    7 面試表情技巧
    8 全程指導:2009年公務員面試
    9 如何做好面試壓力
    10 面試技巧:專家跟你說面試
    11 女生面試求職三大“雷區(qū)”
    12 面試:如何設計一個精彩的開頭
    13 企業(yè)招聘者透露謀職三忌
    14 教你如何搞定外企面試
    15 畢業(yè)生給面試官留下好印象技巧
    1 工業(yè)工程面試題
    2 騎著馬找馬,小心雞飛蛋打
    3 面試感謝信英文版
    4 正確面對職場潛規(guī)則
    5 專家分析:為什么得不到面試官的青
    6 八種創(chuàng)業(yè)贏利模式打開利潤大門(四
    7 面試技巧:英文不好者適用
    8 職業(yè)生涯規(guī)劃與大學生就業(yè)
    9 策略:看透“透明薪資”虛實詭計
    10 應屆生輕松就業(yè)五要點
    11 山東高校畢業(yè)生就業(yè)力調查報告就業(yè)
    12 正確解讀“招聘語言"
    13 新時期文明建設在現(xiàn)代國企中的應用
    14 “以和為貴”在求職面試中的應用
    15 面試技巧:你要能隨機應變

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