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    課件009 教學資源下載
    課件 試卷 教案 畢業(yè)論文 圖書軟件 職教研究 期刊推介 信息發(fā)布 會員賬戶
    當前位置:課件009首頁 >> 職教研究 >> 教育教學 >> Doing The Right Things or Doing Things Right

    Doing The Right Things or Doing Things Right

    成都外國語學校 張竟勻 2022/2/17 15:30:54

    接上頁method is dead. It can only guarantee that you haven’t left out when solving the problem, but how to make the right decision depends on human wisdom and opinions. Only through continuous learning, thinking, and practice can we be truly at ease when we are making a choice.
       Only "doing the right things" and meanwhile"doing things right" have real meanings. Those who are really smart may not be so busy and not so painful. They just choose the right goals and direction, and then continue to move forward with wisdom and the right way, and enjoy their life while working hard.
       In conclusion,the two are both important,but we should do right things first.


    頁碼選擇:1 2
    1 DoingTheRightThi
    1 信息技術(shù)在技工院!峨娮蛹夹g(shù)》教
    2 高師學前教育專業(yè)學生美術(shù)素養(yǎng)培養(yǎng)
    3 技工院校人力資源管理“專業(yè)英語”
    4 淺析運用信息化手段提高中職《電子
    5 中職學校體育與健康課程“1+3”
    6 試析高等學校應如何面對擴招后的畢
    7 Q版動漫人物的教與學
    8 高校教學檢查現(xiàn)狀及改進措施初探
    9 多媒體在職高美術(shù)教學中的運用
    10 科學文化建設(shè)需要重視科學普及和科
    11 淺談如何對待特殊幼兒
    12 電氣自動化專業(yè)控制類課程教學中如
    13 技工學校物理知識在電工教學中的應
    14 淺議中職學校班級凝聚力的形成
    15 基于主成分的學生英語成績影響因素

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