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    課件009 教學資源下載
    課件 試卷 教案 畢業(yè)論文 圖書軟件 職教研究 期刊推介 信息發(fā)布 會員賬戶
    當前位置:課件009首頁 >> 職教研究 >> 教育教學 >> Kick away the anxiety! Just be yourself!

    Kick away the anxiety! Just be yourself!

    作者成都外國語 張珂嘉 2022/2/17 15:34:40

    接上頁e born on a speeding train,new things emerge and change so quickly and they are always pushed by the outside world to learn more to keep up with the times, and can hardly spare time for their inner heart to grow .Their self-consciousness begin to awake ,but their limited energy and time not allow them to form their values completely .So the imbalance between the time and the individual appear. The feeling is just like what is said by the old professor Morrie: “So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. We really don’t experience the world fully, instead ,we are doing what others do and what others want us to do.”
       As a teenager ,a normal high school student,I also suffer from such pain before. I got mild depression half a year ago but now recover from it ,so I just would like to share with my peers some thoughts I gained during the period of time and hopefully can give out encouragement to more people.
       Here’s something I do to improve my life quality :
       Firstly, slow down your pace and do something useless. Most high school students give up their hobbies, because it won’t help their college entrance examination and will “waste” a lot of their time. I gave up my favorite guitar two years ago, but actually when I picked it up recently, I find it give me great power. After a whole day exhausting study ,I’d like to play the instrument and it can motivate me to keep going and give an outlet for my emotion. I also love photography ,in my spare time I’d like to take my camera to go to nature and enjoy recording the beauty of life. Unlike your study or work,these useless things are not result-oriented, which won’t put pressure on you, you just need to enjoy it and feel the pleasure it brings you. Another advantage of doing useless things is that it can give you new inspiration. Many people believe that it is easier to succeed by doing one thing(未完,下一頁


    頁碼選擇:1 2 3 4
    1 Kickawaytheanxie
    1 對大學生逃課現(xiàn)象的看法
    2 淺議探究式教學模式在《D觸發(fā)器》
    3 高校大學生體質健康測試現(xiàn)狀分析及
    4 新高考改革模式下高三數(shù)學復習的思
    5 焊工技能操作培訓的認識與實踐
    6 高職學生在數(shù)控銑床操作中常見的問
    7 “立德樹人”理念下技工院校班級管
    8 新課程標準在動漫教學中的應用
    9 素質教育下技工院校體育教學改革探
    10 小學綜合實踐活動課程整合研究
    11 創(chuàng)設有效的教學情境讓學生學習有價
    12 大學精神的失落不是靠權錢來拯救
    13 高職院;谖幕孕爬砟畹拇笏颊
    14 基于校企共建實訓室提升數(shù)控實訓效
    15 任務驅動教學在高校計算機基礎教學

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