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    課件009 教學資源下載
    課件 試卷 教案 畢業(yè)論文 圖書軟件 職教研究 期刊推介 信息發(fā)布 會員賬戶
    當前位置:課件009首頁 >> 職教研究 >> 專業(yè)論文 >> 現(xiàn)代舞的創(chuàng)作思路與結構關系研究


    董南詩 2022/9/12 9:08:09

       (沈陽音樂學院 遼寧省沈陽市 110042)
       關鍵詞: 現(xiàn)代舞 創(chuàng)作思路 結構關系
       Abstract: The diversified pattern of Modern dance has become a major trend in the dance industry and the entire society, and the major Modern dance systems are becoming more mature. Modern dance has passed the frenzied adolescence, and continues to mature, absorbing the rich nutrition of a large number of different music cultures. Modern dance has unique advantages in terms of creative concepts and techniques, training techniques and methods. His works have diverse structures and various creative directions. No matter which direction of Modern dance creation, they use movements to express their emotions and achieve a combination of form and meaning, which is conducive to the function of artistic performance and is also an educational function. dance. This article focuses on researching Modern dance creation ideas, boldly innovating, and actively absorbing excellent dance creation experience. At the same time, it also clarifies the relationship between Modern dance creation ideas and structure, so that they can effectively merge with each other to create more excellent dances. The research results give us enlightenment to find more effective ways to create, show clear creative ideas, and at the same time enhance the artistry of the work, which is relatively more appreciative.
       Keywords: Modern dance creative thinking structure relationship


    頁碼選擇:1 2 3 4
    1 現(xiàn)代舞的創(chuàng)作思路與結構關系研究
    1 探析管理會計在民營企業(yè)財務管理中
    2 基于UG自動編程軟件應用探討
    3 我的學生應彩鳳論文:西部旅游業(yè)發(fā)
    4 淺談我國憲法應確認公民環(huán)境權
    5 鋼筋混凝土結構的損傷識別
    6 摻銻二氧化錫納米粉末的制備及電化
    7 課堂教學中滲透法制教育策略及研究
    8 淺析如何做好高職院校專職輔導員
    9 多層墻體砌筑施工質量與安全管理
    10 納米材料纖維改性酚醛樹脂及性能研
    11 關于唐·德里羅的小說《白噪音》中
    12 論高等職業(yè)教育在振興東北老工業(yè)基
    13 珠算教學藝術
    14 關于中國裝飾繪畫語態(tài)認識觀探析
    15 淺析暖通空調系統(tǒng)中的節(jié)能問題

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