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    課件009 教學資源下載
    課件 試卷 教案 畢業(yè)論文 圖書軟件 職教研究 期刊推介 信息發(fā)布 會員賬戶
    當前位置:課件009首頁 >> 職教研究 >> 教育教學 >> 混合教學法在中職圖形圖像處理課程教學中的應用研究


    1陳愛霞 2王燦田 2023/1/28 18:49:30

       (1南京市玄武中等專業(yè)學校 江蘇省南京市 210000;2南京高等職業(yè)技術學校 江蘇省南京市 210000)
       Research on the application of mixed teaching method in the teaching of graphics and image processing course in secondary vocational schools
       1 Chen Aixia 2 Wang Cantian
       (1 Nanjing Xuanwu Secondary Vocational School 210000, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province; 2 Nanjing Higher Vocational and Technical School 210000, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province)
       課題信息:江蘇聯合職業(yè)技術學院立項課題 編號B/2020/10/008;伊犁州職業(yè)教育課題 編號YLZJ202251;
       Absrtact: It is very important for secondary vocational schools to offer graphics and image processing courses to improve the comprehensive ability of talents. With the advent of the Internet + era, the online + offline hybrid teaching mode came into being. Applying the hybrid teaching method to the graphics and image processing course of secondary vocational school can make up for the shortcomings of traditional teaching and greatly improve the efficiency and quality of teaching. The hybrid teaching method uses online platforms to build digital and information-based teaching resources, which can help students strengthen the depth and breadth of learning. This paper discusses this, pointing out the problems in the teaching of graphics and image processing course in secondary vocational schools at the emerging stage, and based on the mixed teaching method, puts forward the corresponding teaching strategies from both online and offline aspects, in order to improve the teaching quality of secondary vocational schools and cultivate more skilled talents for the society.
       Key words: mixed teachin(未完,下一頁


    頁碼選擇:1 2 3 4
    1 混合教學法在中職圖形圖像處理課程
    1 淺論構筑面向市場的高校畢業(yè)生就業(yè)
    2 高職院校汽車營銷教學新模式探討
    3 長白山地區(qū)農村基礎教育信息化現狀
    4 中職對口單招美術專業(yè)培優(yōu)過程性思
    5 論高中學生英語語感的培養(yǎng)
    6 思維導圖在小學英語教學當中的運用
    7 提高大學《有機化學》課堂效率的教
    8 如何塑造一體化教師的魅力
    9 對分課堂在中職英語教學中的可行性
    10 新工科背景下機械類課程教學中模塊
    11 企業(yè)供電系統及運行的自動控制教學
    12 構建少年宮開放式美術課堂教學模式
    13 中等職業(yè)學!坝唵问健比瞬排囵B(yǎng)模
    14 科“智”點亮夢想成就精彩人生
    15 面向2035的中國教育現代化:理

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