(作者未知) 2010/6/11
Abstract: This article is the origin of artificial intelligence brief, simple introduction to the scope of the study of artificial intelligence and the development prospects of the speculation and analysis.
Keywords: The origin of AI, the research scope of AI, the prospects of development.
1.About Artificial Intelligence
AI (Artificial Intelligence, referred to as AI) is a branch of computer science, he’s real intelligent inquiry and to create a human intelligence can react in a way similar to the purpose of intelligent machines. The emergence and development of artificial intelligence is a thinking first scientific revolution, the emergence and development of it to some extent dependent on the thinking and scientific revolution, but it also on the human way of thinking and methods of a profound transformation. Artificial intelligence is most closely with the philosophy of science topics, it brings together from cognitive psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, logic, mathematics, computer science, robotics, economics, sociology, etc. within the research . Over the past half-century of artificial intelligence in human knowledge and transform the world their own way played an important role. Artificial Intelligence usually refers to computer implemented through normal intelligence.