摘 要: 介紹了基于8 位單片機(jī)的嵌入式TCPö IP 的遠(yuǎn)程無(wú)線控制終端的設(shè)計(jì)與實(shí)現(xiàn). 描述了基于GPRS 網(wǎng)的數(shù)據(jù)傳輸過(guò)程、
嵌入式實(shí)時(shí)操作系統(tǒng)RTX51 以及嵌入式TCPö IP 協(xié)議棧簡(jiǎn)化的思路, 并著重闡述了控制終端的技術(shù)實(shí)現(xiàn).
關(guān)鍵詞: TCPö IP; GPRS; RTX51 單片機(jī)
Des ign and Implemen ta t ion of Embedded TCPö IP-Ba sed Long-Range GPRS Con trols Term ina
l Sta t ion
L IU Feng1, 2,L IN Hu2, WAN G Zhong2
1(Grad uate S chool of Ch inese A cad emy of S cience,B eij ing 100039, Ch ina)
2(S heny ang Institu te of Comp u ting T echnology ,L iaoning , S heny ang 110004, Ch ina)
3(S of tw ore Colleg e of N ortheast U niversity , S hengy ang 110004, Ch ina)
Abstract: Th is paper int roduces the design and imp lementat ion of the long2range w ireless cont ro lls term inal stat ion based on 82
bit singlech ip w h ich embeds TCPö IP. It describs t ransm ission course of data based on GPRS netwo rk, embedded real2t ime op2
erat ing system RTX51 and embedded simp le th ink ing of TCPö IP agreement. A nd illum inates the techno logy imp lementat ion of
cont ro ls term inal stat ion in detail.
Key words: TCPö IP; GPRS; RTX51; MCU
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